January 20, 2021 5.22 pm This story is over 43 months old

Young vandals cause over £1,000 damage at Jubilee Park

They threw big rocks in the frozen pool

By Local Democracy Reporter

Jubilee Park in Woodhall Spa was subject to vandalism when three male youths threw rocks into the swimming pool, causing over £1,000 of damage.

Between 3.40pm and 4.30pm on Saturday, January 9, CCTV caught three male teenagers ride into Jubilee Park on bikes.

They wandered around the park a few times before taking stones from the sensory garden and throwing them into the swimming pool.

Three teens were caught causing damage to Jubilee Park. | Photo: Jubilee Park Woodhall Spa

The pool was frozen over at the time, but due to the stones at sensory garden weighing around 5-7kgs each, damage was caused to the tiles at the bottom.

The damages have been estimated at over £1,000 by Jubilee Park, with a commercial diver needing to assess the pool before it can safely open again.

Police are investigating this incident and are appealing to find the three boys in question.

Police are now appealing to identify the youths. | Photo: Jubilee Park Woodhall Spa

If you recognise any of the suspects in the CCTV pictures, email PCSO Nicola Stuchfield at [email protected].