July 14, 2021 1.07 pm This story is over 37 months old

Controversial plans for 225 homes near Spalding set to get green light

Parish councils and residents have objected to the plans

Plans for more than 200 new homes near Spalding are set to get the go ahead – despite concerns about road safety and ‘over development’.

South Holland District Council’s planning committee will be asked to approve Persimmon Homes’ application to build 150 homes on land North West of High Road in Weston and Ashwood Homes’ proposals for 75 homes on land off Sunnydale Close in Surfleet.

The Weston development will include 38 homes classed as ‘affordable’ and there will be a mix of one to four bed properties.

The village’s parish council and a number of residents have objected to the plans, citing concerns including over development of the village, the loss of agricultural land and traffic and safety issues.

Spalding MP Sir John Hayes and ward councils have also expressed concerns over the plans.

But council officers have said the principle of development has been established in the Local Plan.

The report said: “It is not considered that the proposal would materially harm the character or appearance of the locality or amenity of nearby residents.”

The layout of the Weston development.

The developer will also be making a contribution of £760,928 to health and education in the area.

The development in Surfleet, would see a range of two-storey homes built, also ranging from one to four bedrooms, along with garages and open space. Of those, 11 homes will be classed as affordable, with eight rented properties and three shared ownership.

This proposal has also seen objection from its village parish council, along with local residents, who have said Sunnydale Close was “not able to cope” with the increased traffic and that residents’ privacy would be “compromised”.

They note a reduction of affordable housing and raise concerns over the impact on local schools and doctors.

A 3D rendering of the layout of the Surfleet development.

The developer says policy compliant levels of affordable housing “cannot be viably delivered” and have provided an independent assessment of the situation.

Recommending approval, officers said the scheme would “result in a sustainable development which would have wider community benefits, which in this cases are considered sufficient to outweigh other material considerations”.

A total of £197,000 of developer contributions will go towards education and the NHS.

The plans are due to be approved next Wednesday.