July 20, 2021 11.27 am This story is over 37 months old

Lincolnshire “has more COVID cases than ever”

15-19-year-olds now have highest infection rate

Lincolnshire has “probably got more COVID circulating in the population than we’ve ever had” health bosses have said.

Infection rates in Greater Lincolnshire for the seven days up to July 19 continue to show increases across the board with North East Lincolnshire remaining as the highest with a rate of 960.7 per 100,000 population. However, the authority has moved down the national rankings slightly from second highest to sixth.

Lincoln also continues to be the district council with the highest infection rates at 392.8, but also moved down the national rankings from 124th to 146th.

Boston, which last week dropped down to sixth in the Greater Lincolnshire table, is back up up to third place this week, sitting 163rd nationally with an infection rate of 377.6 – up from 239.4 the previous week.

Meanwhile South Holland District Council has stayed bottom of the Lincolnshire infection rates, but moved from 389th to 336th nationally – with infection rates there more than doubling to 193.6.

All of Lincolnshire’s infection rates, except North East Lincolnshire, however, remain below the England national average of 426.1.

Greater Lincolnshire’s infection rates from June 29 to July 19. | Data: Gov UK / Table: Daniel Jaines for The Lincolnite

The continued rises come as the country celebrated “Freedom Day” yesterday, with the majority of restrictions lifted.

Lincolnshire’s Assistant Director of Public Health Andy Fox said he had mixed feelings about Monday – being happy that people could get out and enjoy themselves, but concerned about the rise in cases.

He again urged people to continue with social distancing and mask wearing where possible, adding: “There’s a few small practical steps we can all take to limit the risk of transmission.

The latest heat map for Lincolnshire showing where infection rates are worst by age.

“Knowing that right now we’ve probably got more COVID circulating in the population in Lincolnshire than we’ve ever had previously – thankfully with a lot of the population protected by vaccination – it might just be sensible.

“You don’t have to anymore but it’s still very sensible and will prevent the risk or reduce the risk of transmission.”

In Lincolnshire, the highest rates remain in the younger age groups, with the highest being 15-19-year-olds at a rate of 911.7 per 100,000. The grouping has now overtaken the previous highest of 20-24-year-olds which has a rolling rate of 861.2.