September 6, 2021 1.25 pm This story is over 35 months old

Lincoln’s last remaining windmill to open for Heritage Weekend

See the fascinating inner workings

The last remaining windmill in Lincoln — Ellis Mill — will be open for visitors as part of the Heritage Weekend this month.

Entry will be free with no booking required from 10am-4pm on September 18 and 19.

Visitors will be able to see inside the tower Mill on Mill Road in Lincoln, which was built in 1798. It was the last of nine windmills that stood along the ridge in the city.

Ellis Mill is the only working windmill left in Lincoln. Volunteers are needed to keep it running. | Photo: Paul Farmer

People visiting the site will also be able to talk to experts about milling and watch a short video about the history of Ellis Mill.

Steve Dunk, from Lincolnshire County Council, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to be opening the Mill once again. We’re opening the ground floor so people can see the fascinating inner workings.

“We’ve also have our knowledgeable volunteers on hand to talk about the processes and the history of the building. Its set to be a brilliant weekend – so come along and find out more.”

Lincoln Castle, Museum of Lincolnshire Life, and The Collection Museum will also be open for visitors during the Heritage weekend.