April 11, 2022 12.43 pm This story is over 28 months old

Officers target modern slavery in Lincolnshire nail bars

13 nail bars were visited across Lincolnshire

Over the last two weeks we have undertaken coordinated activity focussing on modern slavery connected with nail bars.

This was part of Project Aidant, a National campaign to tackle modern slavery. The activity sought to identify and safeguard victims of human trafficking and forced labour.

13 Nail Bars were visited across the County in partnership with Immigration. The GLAA (Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority) also accompanied us on visits in the East of the County. Two arrests made for illegal entry to UK, five crime reports were submitted for modern slavery offences and appropriate safeguarding referrals completed.

Detective Inspector Heidi McAdam of Lincolnshire Police said: “The focus is on reducing vulnerability, protecting victims and targeting those who exploit or cause harm.

“The victims of this crime are isolated and often afraid. They may have had their passports taken from them and see no way of getting out. Fearing deportation and harm to themselves or their family, they may be reluctant to seek help.

“It’s vital that we uncover this activity locally and we would urge anyone with suspicions to call us or contact the national helpline for Modern Slavery.”

Human traffickers exploit victims into forced labour for criminal profits. Unlike drugs or firearms, which are only bought or sold once, a victim being exploited in this way represents a continuous source of income and profit for criminals.

Modern slavery is often hidden in plain sight. Victims may be forced to work not only in nail bars but other areas such as hospitality or agriculture. Members of the public can all play a significant role in recognising exploitation and reporting it.

Anyone who is concerned that someone may be a victim of trafficking or has information about trafficking should report it on 101 or confidentially to the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700. In an emergency, always call 999.