April 14, 2022 10.05 am This story is over 28 months old

Pub at Lincolnshire care home helps with COVID pandemic visits

One resident said it “makes all the difference”

A Lincolnshire care home opened its own pub to help allow relatives to easily visit loved ones throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Orchard Court Care Home decided to build a pub called ‘The Rainbow’s End’ saying “because of the pandemic our lovely residents could not get out to the pub so we brought the pub to them”.

During the coronavirus pandemic care homes were under strict guidance regarding visits for residents, which had an impact on those living there and their families. Now, there are no nationally set direct restrictions on visiting care homes, with providers expected and encouraged to facilitate visits wherever possible in a risk-managed way.

The Rainbow’s End has been a big help to residents, including Betty Johnson who told BBC Look North: “You can see other people and have a chat, it makes all the difference.”

The care home’s manager Tracy Mussett said: “A lot of our families and relatives and residents used to go into Brigg to the pubs so we thought the best thing for us to do would be to build a pub.”

When asked if there was any reason in her view for care homes to be keeping residents away from their families, she added: “No, not really, I think you have to weigh up the pros and the cons. People in the community are living normal lives and things so maybe it’s time now to move on with care homes as well and to let them live a normal life.”