May 6, 2022 6.00 pm This story is over 27 months old

Gallery: Cause for student celebration at University of Lincoln graduation ceremonies

Thousands of graduates in Lincoln

By Local Democracy Reporter

More than 2,500 students in Lincoln have been celebrating the completion of their studies with graduation ceremonies held at Lincoln Cathedral over the past couple of weeks.

The University of Lincoln’s graduation ceremonies have seen more than 5,000 guests come to the city to celebrate their loved ones finishing their degrees in further education.

It was a nice moment for the class of 2021, and a nod to their hard work which could easily have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw many students have to get used to remote learning and online resources rather than online lecturing.

Friends and family (even ones with lots of fur) were there to celebrate their loved ones graduating. | Photo: University of Lincoln

Subjects ranged across the whole of the university, spanning all schools. Lincoln International Business School graduations covered Management, Accountancy, Finance and Economics, Marketing, Languages and Tourism.

Ceremonies were held inside Lincoln Cathedral. | Photo: University of Lincoln

Other subjects were: Sport and Exercise Science, Social Science, Law, Health and Social Care, Psychology, Social and Political Sciences, College of Arts, School of Fine and Performing Arts, Architecture, Media, History and Heritage, English and Journalism, Life Sciences, Geography, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Engineering, Maths and Physics, Computer Science and Agri-Food Technology.

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln, Professor Neal Juster, gave a speech at Lincoln Cathedral for the graduates. | Photo: University of Lincoln

Prof Neal Juster, Vice Chancellor of the University of Lincoln, said in his speech to graduates: “It’s no exaggeration to say that for my colleagues and me there’s no more significant nor more proud an occasion in our calendar than a graduation ceremony – because it’s the culmination of everything we have set out to do as educators, and everything that you have worked so hard to achieve as our students.

“Today is one of the milestones in your life. It’s an event that gives you a chance to reflect on and celebrate your educational achievements to date and the award of a degree in particular.

“Soak up the experience here in the cathedral, catch up with your friends and classmates in the castle grounds afterwards and then celebrate with your supporters. Enjoy the rest of the day – you have deserved it!”

Scroll down to see some of the photos taken of the happy graduates on their big day in Lincoln:

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

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| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln

| Photo: University of Lincoln