October 18, 2022 7.00 am This story is over 22 months old

Plans to scrap Humber Bridge toll booths prompt traffic concerns

Plans for a fully free flow toll collection system

The Humber Bridge Board is looking to remove toll booths within three years, but there are concerns it could fuel traffic at peak times.

Since November 2015, it has operated a hybrid toll collection system, which consists of one open road toll lane and three staffed toll both lanes in each direction. There are also associated back-office systems located in the bridge office.

The Humber Bridge Board is now looking to replace this system with a fully free flow toll collection system.

However, this has raised questions from some about if this would actually remove the problem at rush hour of traffic jams on the bridge.

The Humber Bridge Board said it may still put cash payment points at either end of the bridge, all of which is part of proposals.

A decision on the future of the booths will be discussed on October 21, but they would not be removed for three years if approved.