February 28, 2023 7.00 am This story is over 18 months old

New female peregrine falcon woos onlookers at Lincoln Cathedral

After a sad week, a new falcon is now making herself known

By Local Democracy Reporter

A new queen has emerged atop Lincoln Cathedral after the death of the previous female peregrine falcon.

Peregrine falcons have been synonymous with Lincoln Cathedral since 2006, with its tall towers proving an ideal nesting point for the birds which are known for settling at very high points.

One of the residents of the cathedral, known as the old queen peregrine due to her regular appearances, sadly passed away last week after being spotted hurtling towards the ground.

Witnesses believe she died of old age or a heart attack, as she did not have any scars indicating a fight or altercation with another creature.

Her death was met with sadness and left a hole in the community, especially given that it has been claimed she raised 35 eyas (baby falcons) with her mate over the years.

However, it would seem that there is a new falcon gunning for the top spot of Lincoln Cathedral’s queen peregrine, as a new bird was spotted gliding over the top towers of the cathedral over the weekend.

Onlookers said she is settling in nicely and has been impressing residents and visitors alike with her flying skills and remarkable wingspan.

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