July 30, 2013 9.57 am This story is over 133 months old

Lincoln firm installs superfast broadband at Fantasy Island

Up to speed: Lincoln firm installed superfast wireless broadband at Fantasy Island in Ingoldmells as part of Lincolnshire County Council’s Onlincolnshire project.

Lincoln firm AB Internet has installed superfast broadband at Fantasy Island in Ingoldmells as part of Lincolnshire County Council’s Onlincolnshire project.

The amusement park is the first part of Lincolnshire to get superfast broadband through wireless technology through the project, with £300,000 from a grant from the European Regional Development Fund.

The Lincoln firm installed a wireless broadband service at the East Coast amusement park, offering superfast broadband speeds to local residents and businesses.

To get better speeds people will have to sign up for one of AB Internet’s packages, which range from basic 2Mb speeds through to a faster 50Mb internet service.

In the coming months, AB Internet will install up to another 20 transmitters in the area to widen and improve coverage. They will also roll out similar technology in the area around Old Leake and Wrangle.

Neil Tucker, Sales and Marketing Director at AB Internet, said: “To see the expressions on the faces of users who are used to 0.5Mb, ‘cranking it up’ to a 50Mb connection, never fails to make me smile.

”It’s also fantastic to see that in Fantasy Island the local community has a champion whose motives extend further than its own benefit; giving back to the area is what it’s all about.”

The Ingoldmells Fantasy Island attraction is the first to enjoy new superfast broadband. Photo via Instagram

The Ingoldmells Fantasy Island attraction is the first to enjoy new superfast broadband. Photo via Instagram

James Parker from Fantasy Island added: “High speed broadband will drastically improve the customer experience at Fantasy Island.

“We will be rolling out exciting new social media platforms over the next few years that would not have been possible without this. Making high speed broadband available throughout the area will bring the Lincolnshire coast into the 21st century.”

Just the first step

County Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Member for Economic Development, said: “Good broadband is becoming more and more essential for both businesses and residents. That’s why local councils are investing heavily in improving connections across the county.

“This project is just the first step – over the next couple of years broadband speeds will dramatically increase everywhere in Lincolnshire.”

By 2016 around 90 per cent of the county should have superfast broadband, according to plans.

By 2016, around 90 per cent of the county should have superfast broadband, according to plans.

As previously reported, Lincolnshire County Council signed a £48 million contract with BT to provide superfast broadband infrastructure to almost 90% of county properties by 2016.

The cash includes £11.2 million from the county council, £4 million from the district authorities, £14.3 million from national government and £18.8 million from BT.

BT will build on the existing telecoms infrastructure in the county so that at least 88% of all properties should have access to superfast broadband by April 2016, with the council aiming for everyone else to have access to at least of 2Mbps broadband.

Superfast broadband refers to speeds of 24Mbps and above, over two and a half times quicker than the UK average of 9Mbps.