For five decades the Tennyson Research Centre has been offering a unique insight into one of the most famous figures of the 19th century.
On July 4, the centre celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special public opening.
Based above Lincoln Central Library, the centre contains the library, letters, papers and possessions of Alfred Tennyson and his family and is the biggest collection on the poet in the world.
Cllr Nick Worth, Executive Member for Culture and Heritage, said: “Tennyson is perhaps the most quoted poet after Shakespeare, and his words are carved at the South Pole and the Olympic Village.”
“For 50 years, this unique collection has inspired students of not only poetry and literature, but also of history, art, and photography.”
“People come from all over the world to see, study and research items that range from Tennyson’s manuscripts to his doodles in the margins of his books.”
“We also have an autograph request from Prince Albert, Tennyson’s cloak, unique photographs and early commercial souvenirs.”
The collection ended up in Lincoln in the 1960s, after a successful exhibition in the city in 1959 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the poet’s birth.
The council then worked with the Tennyson Society to devote a room in the Usher Gallery to the poet’s life and work.
When the family collection went up for sale in 1979, the council purchased most of the material, with the help from National Heritage Memorial Fund, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the JR Halkes Trust and the Heslam Trust.
The collection can be accessed by visiting the Lincs to the Past website.