May 24, 2017 11.06 am This story is over 85 months old

World famous Breitling Wingwalkers to wow crowds at Scampton Airshow

World famous Breitling Wingwalkers will be wowing crowds at the first Scampton Airshow in September. The UK based AeroSuperBatics will perform a sequence of acrobatic manoeuvres and handstands whilst strapped to the top wings of the team’s Boeing Stearman biplanes. The show, which takes place at RAF Scampton, home of the Red Arrows, on the weekend…

World famous Breitling Wingwalkers will be wowing crowds at the first Scampton Airshow in September.

The UK based AeroSuperBatics will perform a sequence of acrobatic manoeuvres and handstands whilst strapped to the top wings of the team’s Boeing Stearman biplanes.

The show, which takes place at RAF Scampton, home of the Red Arrows, on the weekend of September 9 and 10, 2017, will feature up to 100 aircraft both on and off the ground, including the Breathing Wingwalkers.

Team pilots will fly the aircraft through a routine of aerobatics and close formation flypasts as the wingwalkers wave at the crowd.


These manoeuvres include loops, rolls, stall turns and inverted flight. During all of this, the wingwalkers experience speeds of up to 150 mph.

A unique mix of military jets, historic warbirds, civilian display acts and even the RAF Falcons, the UK’s premier military parachute team, will all join the Reds at their home base.

Paul Sallis said: “The Breitling Wingwalkers are a perfect addition to the Scampton Airshow line-up.

“From aviation enthusiasts to families, there is going to be something for everyone at the inaugural Scampton Airshow!”

Tickets are available on the website here.