February 26, 2018 10.57 am This story is over 78 months old

Your pictures: Wintry scenes in Lincoln

Snow sight like it.

Lincoln woke up to a snow covered city on Monday morning.

There are Met Office weather warnings in place for much of the week.

The snow gave people in Lincolnshire a great opportunity to take some wintery photos of the city.

Elsie and her pooch Maggie enjoying the snow in Heckington. Photo: Declan Corner

Buried under the snow: The High Street war memorial.

Snow Monday morning from The Lincolnite office. We can’t wait to see your pictures.

Chilly scenes on the Brayford.

A thick blanket of snow over the university campus

What was the scene like where you live?

Send us pictures of your happy faces in the snow. Or if you spot any gritters at work to [email protected]