March 8, 2018 12.18 pm This story is over 81 months old

Plans to demolish Gainsborough pub to make way for 16 flats

Last orders planned for town pub.

Developers want to demolish a Gainsborough pub to make way for 16 new flats.

The proposals would see the Ropery Inn on Ropery Road make way for eight one bedroom flats and eight two bedroom maisonettes.

An outline application for the development has been submitted to West Lindsey District Council and has so far received an objection from Gainsborough Town Council.

Proposed site layout for 16 flat development. Picture: PlanArch Design.

The town council said that the development would be out of character for the area and raised concerns about additional traffic on Ropery Road.

In a design and access statement submitted by applicant PlanArch Design, the developer said that the proposal would not harm the character of the area.

They said: “The proposal is therefore certainly a scheme which offers a significant benefit of regeneration of an existing brownfield site and housing within the Gainsborough urban area without harming the settlement’s character and appearance.”

The district council’s planning officer has yet to make a recommendation on the application.