October 14, 2019 11.02 am This story is over 58 months old

New medical centre and 80 homes plan for West Lindsey village

Developers say it would be a “high quality” estate

A new medical centre, convenience store and 80 home development plan has been submitted for a West Lindsey village.

The Brocklesby Estate lodged the outline plan to West Lindsey District Council for land off Stallingborough Road in Keelby.

As part of the proposal, a mixture of two, three, four and five bedroom homes would be built along with car parking.

The amount of affordable housing would be agreed with the council at a later date.

A separate plan has also been submitted for a new medical centre on the site along with 20 car parking spaces.

Visuals of how the proposed homes, medical centre and convenience store would look. Picture: The Brocklesby Estate.

Lincolnshire Co-op is also expected to lodge a proposal for a convenience store as part of the wider development.

The site forms part of the Hollies Farm complex and includes historic farmhouses.

As part of the plan, the Hollies Farmhouse would be retained but the adjacent farm buildings will be demolished for access to the site.

The developer said in its plan that the intention of the homes is to provide a “high quality” and “attractive” development.

It said: “The emphasis for the development is to produce high quality buildings that are enduring, desirable and attractive, supported by a strong landscape framework, creating a high quality and attractive place.”

West Lindsey District Council will make a decision on the plan at a later date.

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