February 27, 2020 10.21 am This story is over 58 months old

You shall not pass! Lincoln lane cloggers don’t get the message

Multiple motorists have been caught on camera

The merging debate reared its ugly head again this week when another vehicle straddled both lanes to block the A46 in Lincoln.

Heidi Thompson posted a photo in the Facebook group ‘You’re probably from Lincoln if’ of what she described as ‘fun and games’ on the A46 during the morning of Wednesday, February 26.

Heidi, who was a passenger in a car share, told The Lincolnite that the problem happens every morning and her main concern was that this particular lorry was loaded with gas and could’ve caused a crash.

She said: “The lorry was in the left hand lane right up until the bollards started, then it just veered into the middle of the two lanes.

“It’s not just lorries that are straddling the lanes, cars do it too. They seem to think if you come up the outside lane you’re trying to push in, but if we didn’t use both lanes we’d be queued all the way back to Skelly roundabout. This is happening at around 8am, I dread to think what it’s like by 9am.”

Diagram: Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership

Heidi’s social media post caused a barrage of comments criticising the driving, so much so that commenting was turned off.

Rob Whitehouse said: “If he drives like this, he shouldn’t be allowed on the roads, using a vehicle in such a manner is dangerous”, while Joanne Booth joked “never realised it was three lanes”.

Neil Coope said: “I am still not convinced of how merging in turn actually improves traffic flow. If the gap you’re driving into is only wide enough for one vehicle then that’s all you’re going to get into it, so a single moving queue should flow into it better than two lanes stopping and starting, especially when some drivers think that merge means charge to the front then bully your way in.”

Bryn Jones added: “Stupid people who cannot drive to the law. You merge to the left from the right, anyone who refuses to allow that is acting illegally. That’s what the right lane is for, read the traffic signs.”

Merging debate footage

Merge in turn! Drivers’ anger over Canwick Hill etiquette

‘Merge police’ at it again! Dash cam catches A46 lane straddler

Merging warriors reloaded: Lincoln lorry driver straddles both lanes on A46