July 8, 2020 12.33 pm This story is over 47 months old

“We are town”: Thugs threaten Cleethorpes Black Lives Matter protest

They’re looking for trouble on Sunday in Cleethorpes

A group opposing this weekend’s Black Lives Matter protest in Cleethorpes has threatened to “stick them on the beach again” and warned to “stop pandering to left wing anarchists”.

Hundreds gathered for the first march in the coastal town on June 13. However, the protest did not pass without trouble as police officers had to keep away an opposing smaller group chanting “all lives matter” and even had to pepper-spray them to get them to back off.

Humberside Police said they will intervene to prevent any troublemakers attempting to disturb the second Black Lives Matter protest in Cleethorpes at 3pm on Sunday, July 12.

However, it appears that one opposing group is preparing to stand against the BLM protesters this weekend.

Luke Derry commented on Lincolnshire Reporter’s story on Tuesday about the second protest with a group photo (above) saying: “We are town. We stuck you on the beach last time. Guess what, you are going on the beach again. Stop pandering to left-wing anorchists. [sic]”

In response to others, he then added: “You never got the march you wanted. Why? Because police came and spoke to us and veterans. I have one thing to say. You ended up on the beach, your march got shortened.

“All those pink and blue haired white over-privileged white kids marching for something their left-wing lecturers told them to march for. It’s transparent, even the BBC are backtracking.”

Black Lives Matter North East Lincolnshire, which has since changed its name to Hope Not Hate North East Lincolnshire, recently had a meeting with police before finalising plans for the second protest which it hopes will be peaceful.

Organisers and police will be hoping to avoid the trouble caused by a small group of people that marred what was a largely peaceful protest last month.

Humberside Police said the protest was largely peaceful, but a small group of people not protesting decided to use it as an opportunity to behave “inappropriately, threatening and assaulting officers”. Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter

The counter-protest group was trying to get close to the peaceful BLM march. Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter

Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter

Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter

Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter

Grimsby Town FC condemned the behaviour of “certain individuals wearing the club’s shirts and chanting songs associated with the club,” while comedian Lloyd Griffith slammed a thug who threw eggs at the BLM protest.

Brian Milne, Founder of Hope Not Hate North East Lincolnshire, said the event will be focusing on people’s own experiences to try and highlight the problem of racism in the town.

He told Lincolnshire Reporter: “Preparations are going well. We are staying away from the political side of things now and not having political speakers this time, and instead focusing on people’s own experiences.

“People feel their voices haven’t been listened to, including one man who has come forward who said he was racially abused in Cleethorpes last weekend. This is still a problem.

“We have changed our group name so it raises awareness of all racism and not just black lives matter.”

Photo: Steve Smailes for Lincolnshire Reporter