February 15, 2021 9.53 am This story is over 47 months old

Live stream sensation baby parrot dies at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park

The hatching live stream attracted millions of viewers

A baby parrot has sadly died at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park after millions of people tuned in to watch the live stream of its hatching last week.

The little chick took almost 48 hours to hatch and the wildlife park streamed live on Facebook numerous times, before the Eclectus Parrot was born on the evening of Tuesday, February 9. Famous fashion consultant and television presenter Gok Wan was among the viewers.

Steve Nichols, CEO at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park, announced the tragic news in a video on Facebook on Sunday, February 14.

He said: “Bit of bad news really. The little chick passed away in the early hours of this morning (Sunday), no idea why. Did a feed at 2am, he was fine, and at 3.45am unfortunately he had passed away.

“Unfortunately these things happen. We do our best, we try to do what we can. There is usually a reason why mum abandons the egg, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t try, we’ve done it in the past successfully and no doubt we’ll do it in the future, but in the meantime a bit of bad news for Valentine’s Day.”

The video was shared by over 500 people and has 4,700 reactions and over 1,600 comments, including from Christine Flynn who said: “Such sad news but you and your team gave him the best chance in life but sometimes mother nature knows best.

“Baby Gok bought so much to us in his short life. If it wasn’t for him we would never have known about you and the wonderful work you do. I really can’t wait to come and visit the wildlife park.”

Mandy Briant said: “I remember you saying Steve sadly that the parents may have had their reasons to abandoning the egg.

“You gave the little one a chance it wouldn’t have had otherwise. There are thousands of people who have watched a parrot hatching that wouldn’t have otherwise. Keep up the good work. Team wildlife Lincolnshire.”