July 27, 2021 5.24 pm This story is over 35 months old

Lincolnshire mum raising money for funeral after fifth baby death

Hayley had bad luck her whole life and now needs our help

By Local Democracy Reporter

A heartbroken mother from Alford who has tried five times to have a child, only to suffer miscarriages or devastating deaths, is fundraising to pay for a funeral for her baby boy Archie.

Hayley Collins was born with a severe heart condition in which just one part of a ventricle was formed. For context, a typically healthy human heart has two ventricles and two atria, Hayley has just part of one ventricle.

She has undergone multiple open heart surgeries in her 29-year life, but at the age of 18 she was told he could never have or carry a child.

Archie only survived for one week on ventilation. | Photo: Chelsea Collins

Despite this, in 2016 she fell pregnant for the first time and went into spontaneous labour after 26 weeks, undergoing an emergency C-section.

Freddie, her first child, was born in September 2016, but only survived three weeks after developing Necrotising Enterocolitis, which inflames the intestines and develops severe gut infections.

Following this, Hayley tragically went on to have three unfortunate miscarriages, leaving her at a loss in her dreams of carrying a child.

The tragedies Hayley has suffered are unimaginable. | Photo: Chelsea Collins

After meeting her now partner Dave, she fell pregnant for a 5th time in 2020, but this one again came with complications.

At 26 weeks gestation, on July 15, 2021, Hayley went for a hospital checkup and found her baby’s heart rate to be dropping significantly.

A decision was made for Hayley to have another emergency C-section to prevent her having to go through a stillbirth, and Archie was born.

Tragically, he had severe bleeds on his brain and in his bowel, only surviving a week before the difficult decision was made to remove his ventilation on July 23.

Archie received big cuddles in his short time on earth, and now the family want to give him the send off he deserves. | Photo: Chelsea Collins

Hayley managed to have a proper send off for her first born child Freddie, but due to finances being very short, they are worried that they can’t hold a big funeral for Archie.

A fundraiser has been set up to help Hayley and Dave along the way, and already it has received £1,000 worth of donations.

It was set up by Hayley’s sister Chelsea Collins, who shared the difficult memories of Archie’s final day before his ventilator was removed.

“We had many cuddles with him on his last day,” Chelsea said. “As we were having cuddles, his saturation levels were dropping. He was on 97% oxygen, but his saturation couldn’t pick up above 76%.

“It was evident he was dying on us and the time had come. We removed the ventilator and around five minutes later, he passed away peacefully.”

Funds raised will go towards transport costs to the funeral, a plot for him to be buried in near his brother, a headstone and a coffin, as well as other organisation costs.

If you wish to donate to the cause, visit the GoFundMe page.