July 13, 2021 9.07 am This story is over 35 months old

PCC survey: How should policing be prioritised in Lincolnshire?

Have your say

People in Lincolnshire are being given the chance to shape how the county should be policed in a new consultation launched by Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones.

The newly re-elected PCC is drafting a new Police and Crime Plan, dedicating his budget to key priorities for the next four years.

With community safety at the forefront, PCC Marc Jones has suggested priorities based on public and partner engagement during his previous time in office.

The survey goes live today (Mon July 12) and gives people the opportunity to have their say on the PCC’s suggested priorities for Lincolnshire, comment on his proposals to hold the force to account, and suggest areas of focus that are not already included.

The PCC’s proposed priorities include:

  • Increasing police officer numbers
  • Combatting violence against all genders
  • Giving the public easier and simpler access to the police to report crime
  • Promoting and supporting road safety
  • Addressing rural crime
  • Continuing the fight against scams and fraud in the physical and virtual space including no cold call zones
  • Addressing fly tipping and making best use of CCTV by working with local authorities
  • Breaking the cycle of reoffending by working with partners to develop intervention and diversion initiatives

Marc Jones said: “This important document, as the title suggests, sets the direction for the next four years. I am keen to ensure that it properly and appropriately reflects the collective will of residents right across the county of Lincolnshire.

“It would be fantastic to think that we could give every issue in our communities a high priority but realistically, with the human and financial resources available, the force often has to make decisions about how and where to focus their attention.

“The Police and Crime Plan sets out to help ensure the public’s view of what is most important is reflected in those decisions. I hope every resident will play their part in this process.”

Share your views and fill out the survey here. 

Police and Crime Commissioners play a leading role in securing efficient and effective police and criminal justice services, holding Chief Constables to account for delivery and setting the budget and strategic direction of police services.