April 12, 2022 5.00 pm This story is over 33 months old

Emotional father and partner of Sam Davies give closing statements as murderers sentenced

“Some people have believed the lies told at court about Sam”

Powerful and emotional statements from Sam Davies’ father and partner have been heard at the sentencing hearing for his killers.

Dad Ivor said the first time the family, including Mr Davies’ grandparents, were together following lockdown restrictions was for the 23-year-old’s funeral last year.

“On that day, the ripple effect of grief stretching across family and friends was all too evident,” he said in a victim personal statement read out at Nottingham Crown Court on Tuesday, April 12.

The murder weapon. | Photo: Lincolnshire Police

Mr Davies had deferred a third year at university due to the enforced changes to studies caused by the pandemic.

His father wrote: “In July 2021, shortly after Sam’s funeral, we unexpectedly received his diploma from Nottingham Trent University for the two years he’d successfully completed.

“The bittersweet nature of this postal delivery underlined the pointless waste of his young life.

“Nobody expects to outlive their children, less still their grandchildren.”

He added: “Whether it was teaching his middle brother how to play chess or his youngest brother how to put the chain back on his bike, I observed a patience and kindness that has been echoed by his friends and work colleagues since his tragic and untimely death.”

Mr Davies’ partner, Olivia Dann, said she had been hurt by not only some of the “lies” from defendants in court but people commenting on the case and her conduct on the day of the killing.

Joe Jameson, one of the four Lincoln men convicted of murdering Mr Davies, stopped in his car as she walked near the former police station in West Parade.

He demanded to know where Mr Davies was and made threats to kill him and hurt Miss Dann if she was lying.

Miss Dann said in the victim personal statement made on April 11: “I find it embarrassing what people are saying about me and devalued by people who don’t know anything about me or Sam yet are passing judgment.

“It’s changed my relationship with people and I’ve lost a lot of friends over what has happened.

“Some people have believed the lies told at court about Sam – lies people have told to try and get themselves out of trouble, to distance themselves from what happened and try to pass the blame on to Sam.”

She added that she had since reluctantly moved house because she felt “scared” in the area at times and could no longer sleep in the bed she had shared with Mr Davies.

Miss Dann added: “We weren’t together long but it was during lockdown and we spent a lot of time together. We’d made plans on what we’d do when the restrictions were lifted but we never got the chance.

“We were robbed of the opportunity of having a normal relationship.

“Whatever the outcome at court, it will not change what has happened for me.”