October 14, 2022 11.01 am This story is over 22 months old

Daytime closure for road reconstruction in Lincolnshire village

The works will last for nearly two months

Works to rebuild sections of the B1225 in Stainton le Vale will middle of the month.

The road reconstruction works will start on Monday 17 October until early December.

As part of the works, a daytime road closure will be in place on the B1225, between Middle Lane in Stainton le Vale and the B1203 in Tealby, from 8am to 6pm.

A daytime closure will also be in place at the B1225 and B1203 junction later in the scheme.

The diversion routes for the road closures are as follows:

  • B1225: via B1225 / A46 / A18 / B1203, and vice versa
  • B1225 & B1203 junction: via B1225 / A46 / A18 / A16 / A157 / A631 / B1225, and vice versa.

Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said: “A one-mile stretch of the B1225 through Stainton le Vale is starting to deteriorate, so we’ve taken the decision to make improvements now before it gets any worse.

“As part of these improvements, we’ll be excavating nearly a mile of current carriageway and rebuilding it using over 4,700 tonnes of tarmac and other road-building materials.

“We’re also taking the opportunity to excavate the verge along this stretch of road and replace the ironworks.

“We’ll be doing everything we can to keep disruption to a minimum throughout the project, including maintaining access for residents and emergency vehicles during our working hours.”