November 9, 2022 12.15 pm This story is over 26 months old

Parents of baby girl killed in dog attack appear in court

She was attacked by a husky dog

A couple accused of causing the death of their baby daughter have today (Wednesday, November 9) made a first appearance in court.

Kyra King was attacked by a husky dog at Ostler’s Plantation in Woodhall Spa on March 6 this year.

The three-month-old girl died of her injuries at the scene.

Vince King, 54, and Karen Alcock, 41, were before magistrates in Boston jointly charged with being the owner or person in charge of a dog dangerously out of control, causing injury resulting in death.

King denied the charge and Alcock did not enter a plea.

The bench declined jurisdiction on the case and sent the defendants to Lincoln Crown Court for a plea and directions hearing on December 7.

King and Alcock, both of the same address in Castledyke Bank, New York, Lincolnshire, were granted unconditional bail.

The dog, named Blizzard, has been kept in isolation at secure kennels since the attack. Lincolnshire Police has said previously that it is seeking an order to have it put down.