December 8, 2022 3.30 pm This story is over 20 months old

Rejected travellers site wins planning appeal

The council had argued there were enough already

The decision to block a travellers site in South Holland has been overturned at appeal.

South Holland District Council originally claimed there was no need for any further travelling pitches in the district.

However, the applicant George Carman has successfully argued these figures were out of date and shouldn’t block to the development.

The site on Main Road in Holbeach Drove would provide space for an extended family in two mobile homes and two touring caravans.

The plans were originally rejected in May, with South Holland District Council saying there were already plenty in the area.

Much of the debate rested on the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment, which was last made in 2016.

While there are no public sites, there were 10 private ones at the time, providing 57 spaces.

Mr Carman appealing to the Planning Inspector, who has ruled in his favour.

South Holland District Council lost the appeal | Photo: Google Street View

The report says: “The council can demonstrate a five-years worth of sites against the need demonstrated in the GTAA.”

However, it adds:  “No maximum number of pitches is identified anywhere within the policy.

“The GTAA is not a recent document and its findings are partly based on estimate of need.

“I am unconvinced by the council’s claim that there is sufficient sites with planning permission to address the accommodation needs of all Gypsies and Travellers in the district.”

Mr Carman has claimed for costs, but this was denied as the Planning Inspector says “he failed to demonstrate unreasonable behaviour by the council.”

This is the only successful appeal in the latest batch released ahead of next week’s Planning Committee meeting.