February 19, 2019 1.04 pm This story is over 66 months old

Former Lincoln allotments to become affordable homes

The council said the allotment site was underused

City councillors are expected to give final approval for a 35 affordable home plan on a former allotment site in Lincoln.

The site on Riseholme Road was previously approved for possible sale by the council after it was deemed that demand for allotments was poor.

Developer the City of Lincoln Council was given outline permission for homes, which would be built by local construction company Lindum, on the site in February 2017.

Now, City of Lincoln councillors are set to give the proposals the green light at a meeting on February 27.

Council officers have recommended that the plans are approved.

Site layout for the affordable homes on Riseholme Road.

The authority still owns the allotment land, but will be transferred to Waterloo Housing Group if given approval.

A mixture of two and three bedroom homes are proposed for the site.

Developers said in their plans that the proposals will make a “tangible contribution” to the area.

It said: “The development of the site for solely affordable housing will make a tangible and noteworthy contribution to Lincoln.

“It will include a mixture tenure of 20 shared ownership properties and 15 affordable rented units, delivering varied affordable housing provision for the city.”

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