October 3, 2019 2.02 pm This story is over 58 months old

Surely not! Daring drivers still defying infamous road closure

The closure isn’t stopping everyone

Yet another vehicle became stuck in water under a rail bridge near Lincoln as daring drivers continue to defy a road closure.

As previously reported, A Lincolnite reader sent in a photo of a van stuck in the water under Potterhanworth Bridge on Station Road in Potterhanworth on Tuesday, October 1.

Oh no not again!

Another vehicle was caught on camera by a reader in the same location during the morning of Thursday, October 3.

A car was spotted covered even deeper on Monday morning in what is becoming a common occurrence this week.

Another driver also posted a video of a car ploughing through the water.


Have you spotted any other stuck vehicles or been affected by the adverse weather conditions? Send us your stories and photos to [email protected]

Flood warnings and alerts

According to the Government’s flood information service there is currently one flood warning and seven flood alerts in or near Lincolnshire at the time of writing.

Flood warnings

Flooding is expected and immediate action is required at the River Wreake at Frisby-on-the-Wreake

Flood alerts

Flooding is possible so be prepared in the following areas:

  • Lower Welland
  • Rase and Upper Ancholme
  • River Trent from Cromwell Weir to Gainsborough
  • River Trent in Nottinghamshire
  • River Wreake in Leicestershire
  • Tidal River Aire catchment
  • Tidal River Ouse, Don and the Dutch River catchment

Click here for more information.

Residents in Ruskington near Sleaford were among those most affected by the adverse weather conditions after a number of homes were flooded.