July 22, 2020 1.41 pm This story is over 49 months old

Andrew Morgan: Grateful for our people on NHS’ 72nd anniversary

“We have been overwhelmed with support from people”

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By CEO of United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust

This month marked the 72nd anniversary of the NHS. During the last few months, the NHS has been through the greatest test in its lifetime. In these times of uncertainty, it has been a huge comfort to see our staff continuing to support our patients and communities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have supported the NHS and each other.

The people of Lincolnshire, have all helped by looking after the vulnerable, maintaining safe distancing and staying at home. We are grateful to all of our key workers from bus drivers to shop and refuse workers who have all worked hard to keep our communities going. 

We have been overwhelmed with support from the general public who have donated time, goods and services so that we can safely deliver care across Lincolnshire. 

We share this anniversary with the social care system which was created at the same time in 1948 and this gives us an opportunity to celebrate the work of our partners in social care; who help support some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

We are all working together to deal with the many challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Every day we are reminded of the great work that people have undertaken and the sacrifices made. People have lost loved ones, friends and colleagues and we continue to mourn the losses that we have faced. In this adversity we have seen people provide comfort, support and incredible warmth. 

I have never been prouder to work for the NHS and to work across a county that has shown consideration, love and appreciation for the NHS, carers and key workers. 

Andrew Morgan is the chief executive of United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust and the former CEO of Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust.