October 16, 2019 2.01 pm This story is over 58 months old

Boston cabinet member resigns

Boston businessman Alistair Arundell blamed “personal circumstances” for the departure

Boston Borough Council’s tourism cabinet member has resigned from the authority, blaming “personal circumstances”.

Conservative Alistair Arundell, who was elected to the council in May, announced he was stepping down from his Skirbeck Ward responsibility on Tuesday evening in a statement on social media.

Council leader Aaron Spencer, however, has refused to comment on the move of his cabinet member at this time.

In his post, Mr Arundell said: “Over the last five months as a councillor, I feel I have gained a huge knowledge into a side of Boston Borough Council that I wasn’t aware of, prior to being elected.

“A considerable amount of hard work goes into ensuring our town has the facilities it does, and I was proud to have the opportunity to better it further.”

Mr Arundell on a tour of the town earlier this year which looked at street-drinking issues.

The Boston businessman, hotel owner and entrepreneur soon became the portfolio holder for Tourism, Arts, Culture and Heritage following the Conservative leader Aaron Spencer’s election to leader of the authority in July.

Councillor Spencer’s own move followed the departure of the group’s former leader Michael Cooper to pursue his own interests.

In his statement, Councillor Arundell thanked his ward for his election success for which he took the third available seat with 307 votes, behind independent councillors Anne Dorrian (412) and Colin Woodcock (512).

The ward saw a 22.3% turnout, split between nine candidates.

Dear friends,Over the last 5 months as a Councillor, I feel I have gained a huge knowledge into a side of Boston…

Posted by Alistair Arundell on Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Mr Arundell added: Boston is a marvellous town with huge potential, and I’m confident that, working with the residents, it can thrive again.

“People who know me understand I give 100 percent to anything I do and with the latest business acquisition I don’t feel I could now give that as I just won’t have the time and understand that this is not fair to the wonderful people of Boston.”

The council will announce a by-election for the Skirbeck ward in due course.

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