December 10, 2020 3.58 pm This story is over 44 months old

Man robs and runs from Lincoln cafe

He threatened the shopkeeper and fled with cash

By Local Democracy Reporter

Police are appealing to identify a man who allegedly robbed a cafe in Lincoln city centre.

At around 11.03am on Thursday, December 10, a man entered Cibus, a cafe/restaurant on Newland Street in the city.

He threatened the shopkeeper and reportedly took a quantity of cash from the till before leaving the store and going in the direction of Lincoln High Street.

He has been described as a 5ft 7in white male with an English accent, of a heavy build and with crooked teeth.

He was wearing a dark grey hoodie with the hood up, white trainers and light-coloured fingerless gloves.

If you know this man or know his whereabouts, contact police by calling 101 and quoting incident 129 of December 10.

Alternatively, you can email [email protected] and quote the same incident number in the subject line.