September 9, 2021 8.26 am This story is over 35 months old

Lincolnshire teen cycles 300 miles for prostate cancer charity

Well done Joel! Raising money for a great cause

By Local Democracy Reporter

A 13-year-old boy from near Horncastle has been raising money for Prostate Cancer UK by cycling 300 miles in one month.

Joel Kidd, 13, spent the month of August completing a series of bike rides to raise awareness and money for national charity Prostate Cancer UK.

Over the course of his rides, Joel travelled 300 miles and raised £300 to help fund lifesaving research in the fight against prostate cancer, the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the country.

Joel hit his 300 mile target within one month, and raised £300 in the process. | Photo: Scott Kidd

Prostate cancer claims the lives of 11,500 men every single year in the UK, the equivalent of one every 45 minutes, and Joel said he set out on his mission to support the families affected by the disease.

“It doesn’t have to be this way,” Joel said. “I chose to do it as I wanted to highlight how much of a killer prostate cancer is, and that men shouldn’t be scared to get themselves checked out. Overall I just want to raise awareness.”

Joel did the bike rides with his dad Scott, who was his biggest fan throughout. | Photo: Scott Kidd

He did the rides with his dad Scott, but they were hit with a delay as Joel’s bike cassette broke, and due to a national shortage of bike parts they could not get him up and running for around a week.

Eventually they were back out riding and managed to complete the challenge by the end of August, tracking Joel’s progress via Strava and posting it to the fundraiser.

Joel hit his target of £300, but you can still donate to his fundraiser by clicking here.