April 22, 2022 8.00 pm This story is over 28 months old

Lincolnshire Extinction Rebellion dog ‘arrested’ at London protests

The group have completed their April Rebellion in the capital

By Local Democracy Reporter

Lincolnshire members of climate activist group Extinction Rebellion have returned home from a week of protests in London, stating nine people and the group’s therapy dog were arrested.

The 24 protestors were in the capital between April 9 and 17 for XR’s April Rebellion, hosting blockades at the likes of Tower and Vauxhall Bridge to demand a stop to fossil fuel funding and production.

Thousands of protestors, including a group from Lincolnshire, took to the streets of London for acts of defiance against what they call government inaction in the fight against global warming.

The Lincolnshire rebels who joined the national effort in London. | Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

On the final day of action, the group occupied Marble Arch and Shell headquarters peacefully, with fossil fuel companies and their insurers the main target of demonstrations.

According to Extinction Rebellion, there were nine arrests made during the protests, including for Snowy the XR Lincolnshire de-escalation therapy dog, and his owner.

Snowy is an avid attender of XR protests across the country. | Photo: @snowy9796 on Instagram

The activist group say more rebels took part in demonstrations this year than ever before, suggesting the movement is growing and gaining more attention.

Criticism has been reserved for Extinction Rebellion in relation to how they conduct their protests and the impact they have on everyday people, rather than big corporations.

Extinction Rebellion have been in London protesting the use of fossil fuels. | Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

The group’s response to this is that, as per XR policy, they move blockades to allow ambulances and fire engines through.

Grandmother and XR member Nelly said: “I went to London to send a strong message to the government that they are not acting swiftly enough to bring down emissions.

“I’m asking the government to step up, act now to end reliance on fossil fuels, invest in home insulation, public transport and renewable energy production. These things are doable but must be done immediately. The government shows no signs of addressing the urgency of the situation.”

The group say multiple activists were arrested during peaceful protests. | Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire

Nelly continues: “I go to the rebellions because I feel I must do something. I can’t just sit on my sofa watching disasters. I can’t bear the thought of bequeathing a dying planet full of unrest, weather extremes and food shortages to my dear grandchildren.

“We in the wealthier countries have caused this mess, we should all just step up and be counted.”

The climate change activist group were in good numbers for their April Rebellion. | Photo: Extinction Rebellion Lincolnshire