January 6, 2023 11.00 am This story is over 19 months old

New South Kesteven opposition group to ‘challenge administration’

It is made of Liberal Democrats and Independents

A new political group has become the largest opposition party on South Kesteven District Council.

The Democratic Independents group is led by Councillor Philip Knowles. It is comprised of Liberal Democrats and Independents from Bourne and Stamford.

The new group overtakes the Independent group as the official opposition to the council.

Its other members are Councillors Richard Cleaver (Deputy Leader), Harrish Bisnauthsing, Paul Fellows, Anna Kelly, Murray Turner and Amanda Wheeler.

In a statement announcing the formation, Councillor Philip Knowles said: “I am proud to have been elected the leader of the Democratic Independents Group.

“We are the major opposition group, challenging the Conservative administration. The group consists of independent and Liberal Democrat councillors dedicated to serving the people across the district.”

A report on the revised political balance, which could include changes to committee membership, will come to a full council meeting on January 26.

The Conservatives have a large majority in South Kesteven with a total of 37 councillors.

There are two Labour, three Alliance SK and six other independent councillors sitting at this time.

Council leader Kelham Cooke said: “I look forward to continuing to work with all the groups on the council.”

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