June 4, 2018 3.04 pm This story is over 72 months old

Elderly driver fined £100 for causing serious A46 crash

The crash left two drivers with life-changing injuries

An elderly motorist turned right into the path of an oncoming car causing a collision which left both himself and the other driver with serious injuries, Lincoln Crown Court was told today.

Edward Quigley, 88, was on his way to a dental appointment when he turned right off the A46 dual carriageway heading for Collingham.

Mark Achurch, prosecuting, said that Quigley’s estate car struck a Mercedes being driven north by Maxine Whittaker.

Mr Achurch told the court “Mrs Whittaker approached the junction with care because she was aware that a number of collisions had taken place there.

“Without any warning the defendant’s car appeared broadside in front of her. She did not have time to brake. She describes her vehicle as being lifted into the air. She was in considerable pain.”

Mrs Whittaker, who was on her way home from a shopping trip to Newark, suffered serious injuries including a fractured sternum, four broken ribs, two fractures of the spine and a broken kneecap. She underwent surgery and was detained in hospital for seven days before being released.

Mr Achurch added “The defendant suffered life threatening injuries. He was not expected to survive.

“The defendant was not interviewed until October. He said he was on his way to his dentist. It was his first time on that route. He used the dedicated lane to turn right. It would appear that for a moment he did not see the vehicle that was approaching.”

The prosecutor said that Mrs Whittaker’s view was that if Quigley handed in his driving licence she would not have wanted him to be taken to court. He has since handed his licence back to the DVLA.

“He handed in his licence on 23 November 2017 due to medical reasons. The only way he could drive in the future is if he passed a medical examination.”

Quigley, 88, of Lincoln Road, Fenton, between Lincoln and Gainsborough, admitted a charge of driving without due care and attention as a result of the incident on June 6 2017. He was fined £100 and given six penalty points on his licence.

Richard Dawson, in mitigation, said “This was a tragic case for all concerned. For his part he was in hospital for six weeks and four days. He continues to suffer both through old age and as a consequence of this accident.

“He entered court on two sticks and the chances of him driving again are extremely remote. His driving licence has already been surrendered.”