November 5, 2020 11.28 am This story is over 50 months old

Masked youths wreck cars in Hykeham rampage

Police say it is “out of character for the area”

A group of up to ten youths were seen damaging vehicles in North Hykeham on Wednesday night, and one car even had a pole put through it.

Steve R posted in the public Facebook group ‘You’re probably from Lincoln if’ saying damage was caused to cars on Hutson Drive with his own vehicle being the worst affected.

He said the bonnet, roof and wing were scratched to bare metal, and the front and rear screens need replacing.

This group was described as being dressed in all black and wearing black face coverings. Lincolnshire Police said that the youths may have been wearing co-ordinated clothing.

There have been reports of damage Hutson Drive, Ash Grove, the alley between Newark Road & Ash Grove, and on Newark Road. They all happened around 7.20pm.

A spokesperson for Lincolnshire Police said: “We would like to stress that this is a small group and this level of damage and behaviour is out of character for the area.

“We would ask that local parents be aware of their children’s whereabouts and inform us should they suspect their children are involved.

“We are appealing for anyone who may have seen this small group to call us on 101, quoting incident 455 of November 4.”

However, this isn’t the first time residents have raised concerns about youths in the North Hykeham area.

A group of teenagers were spotted drinking in a park in North Hykeham and were split up by police back in March.

The car park at Memorial Hall was temporarily closed in June due to problems including drug use and boy racers causing damage to the area.

In the same month, antisocial behaviour and misuse of the area forced Whisby Nature Park to close a section of land and public access to the Apex Lake.