February 26, 2021 5.42 pm This story is over 47 months old

No council wants to explain lack of roadside cleaning

Councils aren’t coming clean

By Local Democracy Reporter

After roadside littering reared its ugly head in Lincolnshire again, councils across the county appear to be passing the buck, without taking any action.

The issue was raised by The Lincolnite reader Rebecca Dunn, who went to clean up with her friends part of the roadside on the Western Bypass in Lincoln, because she said it was “starting to look like a landfill site.”

Some of the litter that was found at the roadside dated back 17 years to 2004, suggesting that the area hadn’t been cleaned in years.

A can dating back to 2004 was found at the side of the road. | Photo: Rebecca Dunn

Rebecca had told The Lincolnite that she was consistently asking West Lindsey District Council about roadside cleaning for over two years, but nothing was done about it.

She was eventually given a response, which claimed that funds are no longer available for litter picking on roads over a 50mph speed limit — the bypass has a 60/70mph limit depending if it’s dual or single carriageway.

An alarming amount of bags filled by roadside litter on just one stretch of Lincoln’s roads. | Photo: Rebecca Dunn

When asked about this, a spokesperson for WLDC said: “Working on high speed roads is a real challenge for us, wherever possible we will work with partners to allow our staff to work safely.

“For instance, we litterpick dual-carriageways at the same time as lane closures are in place for grass cutting operations.”

Rebecca and some of her friends went to clean up the roadside. | Photo: Rebecca Dunn

The council added: “We are aware of reports of litter on this section of the highway and have been working in collaboration with the Highways Authority to get the trees cut back.

“Now that work is complete it will allow us access to the laybys to undertake litterpicking work.”

West Lindsey District Council also said that there is no specific part of the street cleansing budget, of which we weren’t given the total figure, dedicated to the stretch of road in question.

However, the council said that anyone with specific issues regarding street cleansing should call 01427 676676.

“Starting to look like a landfill site.” | Photo: Rebecca Dunn

The Lincolnite also approached Lincolnshire County Council for a response about this, who declined to comment and called it a “district matter”.

Part of the A46 ring road around Lincoln is the responsibility of Highways England, while others are under County Council management.

In response to our original story, many people pointed out that a similar issue is arising on roadsides in North Kesteven.

North Kesteven District Council were also asked to comment on the problem, but did not reply.