March 2, 2021 11.11 am This story is over 41 months old

Boston approves near £5 council tax increase

Finances in “healthy position”

Boston Borough Council has approved a £4.95 council tax increase for 2021/22.

Band D properties in Boston will go from £192.96 to £197.91, a 2.57% rise.

This amounts to a 9p per week precept increase for band D properties and a 6p per week rise for Band A properties.

The council’s budget was controversially voted, with 15 members for and 10 against.

Cllr Jonathan Noble, portfolio holder for the budget said in the meeting: “In the difficulties this country’s faced in the last year, I’m pleased to say the council’s finances remain in a relatively healthy position.”

A proposal was made for a 0% increase in council tax in the authority’s Full Council meeting on Monday evening, but this was rejected – nine votes to 16.

In the meeting, Cllr Anne Dorian asked the council if there was a way the council could honour the work of Boston-born Professor Jonathan Van-Tam (JVT), Deputy Chief Medical Officer.

Cllr Skinner said he would be willing to take part in anything to honour JVT, who was The Lincolnite’s Person of the Year.

On Monday, South Kesteven agreed on a £5 council tax increase for a Band D property, amounting to 3.06% extra a year, and similarly in West Lindsey on Tuesday.

Last week, North Lincolnshire Council approved a 3.48% council tax increase for 2021/22, which works out as a 45p weekly increase for a Band D property in the authority.

It’s neighbour, North East Lincolnshire Council has approved a 4.98% council tax increase for 2021/22 – with 3% going towards adult social care. This will see a £1.52 per week increase for a Band D property – £79.04 annually.

By Wednesday evening, all Lincolnshire councils will have agreed on their budgets and council tax increases for 2021/22.

Nationally, Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, will announce details of his spring budget on Wednesday, where he is predicted to extend the furlough scheme until at least May.