September 6, 2012 10.40 am This story is over 143 months old

New Lincoln police station plans back to the drawing board

Lincoln policing: Any new build proposals for police in Lincoln would be back to the drawing board due to changes in force governance.

Lincolnshire Police Deputy Chief Constable Alec Wood said any new build proposals for the force in Lincoln would be back to the drawing board because of the upcoming change in governance of policing.

As previously reported, the force was looking to sell the Police Station on West Parade and have a new, smaller police station in the city centre, but with a custody suite, road and response units moved to a new, bigger building near Nettleham HQ.

Deputy Chief Constable Alec Wood

Speaking at the Carholme Community Forum on September 4, Deputy Chief Constable Alec Wood said he regretted the lack of dialogue with the local community prior to the announcement of the plans and promised that any future major issues would be fully discussed and consulted upon.

He emphasised that all future major issues would be decided by the incoming Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) who would take up office late in November.

He said that in essence any new-build proposals for the force would be back to the drawing board because of the change in governance of policing.

The Deputy Chief Constable also clarified that the perception that G4S were contracted to build a new police station and custody suite were incorrect, as those proposals were additional to the contract with G4S and not part of it.

Lincolnshire Police said no further information in relation to the plans will be released until after the appointment of the PCC in late November.

Richard Davies (Conservative), Phil Dilks (Labour), independents David Bowles and Mervyn Barrett, and English Democrat Elliott Fountain are standing for the Police and Crime Commissioner role in Lincolnshire.