Greater Lincolnshire

Rebecca Wakefield transformed personal tragedy into a beacon of hope by founding The Lincolnshire Nutritionist, inspired by the profound loss of her father. Her journey into the world of nutritional therapy began in the shadow of grief, following her father’s untimely death from colon cancer.

Raised in Boston and now residing near Grantham, Rebecca has dedicated herself to the field of nutritional therapy since 2019, with a particular focus on female hormonal health. However, her expertise extends to helping individuals from all walks of life through personalised consultations.

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A survivor of the harrowing Stubton Hall abuse has courageously shared her ordeal, expressing a fervent hope that her abuser faces a lifetime behind bars.

The scandal, emerging from the shadows of a school near Grantham, has seen fifty-one former students step forward, revealing a dark history spanning from 1983 to 1995. The establishment, once under the stewardship of Lincolnshire County Council, has since changed hands, with the current proprietors detached from the historical abuse.

Read the full story on MyLocal, the new home of The Lincolnite

By Local Democracy Reporter

Grantham is caught in a classic “chicken and egg” scenario, grappling with dwindling footfall and a shrinking number of shops, as highlighted by a local councillor. Amidst this retail conundrum, there’s growing concern among local businesses that proposed hikes in parking fees could exacerbate the town’s challenges.

Recently, South Kesteven District Council green-lit a rise in parking tariffs for Stamford and Grantham’s pay-and-display car parks, a decision that has sparked debate among the community. The new charges include a £2 fee for overnight parking, a £3 levy on Sundays and Bank Holidays, and a shift making Conduit Lane a short-stay zone.

Read the full story on MyLocal, the new home of The Lincolnite.

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