January 4, 2021 1.26 pm This story is over 41 months old

Inquest launched into death of Boston schoolboy

A post mortem examination due to be published

By Local Democracy Reporter

An inquest into the death of Roberts Buncis, a schoolboy found dead near Boston, has been launched.

Roberts Buncis, 12, was found in a common area at the rear of Alcorn Green in Fishtoft during the morning of Saturday, December 12.

He was found dead just two days before his 13th birthday, and now an inquest into the boy’s death has been arranged.

Tributes left for Roberts Buncis, 12, near Alcorn Green in Fishtoft, where his body was found. | Photo: John Aron

The inquest will open at the Myle Cross Centre in Lincoln on Tuesday, January 5 to try and discover the cause of Roberts’ death.

Details of a post mortem examination are expected to be read in evidence by coroner Paul Smith at the inquest, such as identifying the deceased and finding out how, when, and where they died.

Police cordoned off an area near Alcorn Green in Fishtoft. | Photo: The Lincolnite

The case has been treated as a murder by police, with three teens being arrested in connection with the incident.

Two of the suspects were released under investigation, and one, a 14-year-old boy, charged with murder.

The 14-year-old appeared in court on Monday, December 14 with a bandage around a hand wound, and will face a provisional trial date on June 21.

A crowdfunder to support the father of Roberts was set up online, with over £20,000 being raised in the first two days.